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On-site EMC testing


On-site EMC testing.jpg


On-site EMC testing,现场EMC测试。所谓现场测试(也称为外场测试),就是将EMC测试仪器搬运到产品工作的现场进行的测试。例如大型医疗设备或系统(如核磁共振, 数字 X 射线,伽马射线等医疗设备) 由于尺寸较大、 运输不便、 安装相对固定、 额定供电电流大等特点,往往无法在实验室内完成电磁兼容测试。又如风力发电机,因该类产品体积庞大,且需要风力才能正常工作,EMC测试就必须在风力发电机安装的现场进行。


现场测试也称为On-Site test,现场测试对工程师的技术能力要求很高,不仅要熟悉标准的测试方法,对测试仪器也要非常熟悉,而且要有较强的协调和沟通能力,另外,还要对被测试的产品非常熟悉,才能在户外条件下尽快地完成测试。由于现场测试要将测试仪器搬运到被测产品工作的现场,仪器由于搬运和现场条件恶劣,被损坏的风险也较大,目前在国内有能力并且愿意执行现场测试的实验室还较少。


需要现场测试的产品一般工作在户外较恶劣的环境中,申请CE-EMC指令测试时,一般我们建议选择工业环境的EMC标准:EN 61000-6-2:2005,EN 61000-6-4:2007+A1:2011,涉及的测试项目简单归纳如下:

No. Test Item Test Requirements
1. Conducted Emission EN 61000-6-4 CISPR 16-1-1 as reference) The EUT should be tested with the whole appliance active, including all modules, full load or at least appropriate load. Output lines( L1/L2/L3/N ), net cable, as well as power lines which can be connected to public power supply should be tested respectively.
2. Radiated Emission EN 61000-6-4 CISPR 16-1-1 as reference) The EUT should be tested with the whole appliance active, including all modules, full load or at least appropriate load.

Four surfaces (Front/Rear/Left/Right) should be checked respectively.

3. ESD immunity EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-4-2 as reference) The whole EUT should be active with appropriate load (such as 10% full load).

Test Level:

Conduct discharge: +/-4.0kV

Air discharge: +/-2.0kV

4. RF Electromagnetic Field Immunity EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-4-3 as reference) The whole EUT should be active with appropriate load (such as 10% full load).

Four surfaces (Front/Rear/Left/Right) should be checked respectively.

Level: 10V/m

5. EFT immunity EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-4-4 as reference) The whole EUT should be active with appropriate load (such as 10% full load). Power supply, DC lines (>3m), net-cable (>3m) should be checked.

Test Level:

for input or output AC/DC lines: +/-2.0kV;

other lines (Signal/net cable(>3m)): +/-1.0kV

6. Surge Immunity EN 61000-6-2 EN 61000-4-5 as reference) The whole EUT should be active with appropriate load (such as 10% full load).

Test Level:

L/N-PE: +/-0.5kV, +/-1.0kV, +/-2.0kV

L-N: +/-0.5kV, +/-1.0kV

Note: The test level should be performed from low to high

7. Inject Currents Immunity, 0.15MHz to 80MHz EN 61000-6-2 (EN 61000-4-6 as reference) The whole EUT should be active with appropriate load (such as 10% full load). Power supply, DC lines(>3m), net-cable(>3m) should be checked. Level: 10V/m
8. Voltage Dips and Interruption Immunity EN 61000-6-2 (EN 61000-4-11 as reference) The whole EUT should be active with appropriate load (such as 10% full load).
9. 示例 示例