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“CB Scheme”的版本间差异

第126行: 第126行:
# United States of America US National Committee of the IECEE
# United States of America US National Committee of the IECEE
# Viet Nam IEC National Committee of Vietnam, Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality (STAMEQ)
# Viet Nam IEC National Committee of Vietnam, Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality (STAMEQ)
# * 阿根廷 阿根廷标准化研究所(IRAM)
# * 澳大利亚 澳大利亚和新西兰的联合认证系统(JAS-ANZ)
# * 奥地利 OVE
# * 巴林 巴林标准计量
# * 白俄罗斯 贝利斯JSC
# * 巴西 COBEI-巴西电子城的Comite Brasileiro de Electricidade
# * 保加利亚 保加利亚标准化研究所(BDS)
# * 加拿大 CNC / IECEE
# * 智利 智利电子标准化公司(CORNELEC)
# * 中国 国家认监委
# * 哥伦比亚 康泰克
# * 克罗地亚 克罗地亚标准学会(HZN)
# * 捷克共和国 EZU
# * 科特迪瓦 IEC科特迪瓦国家委员会
# * 丹麦 丹麦标准
# * 芬兰 SGS FIMKO Ltd
# * 法国 法国IEC国家委员会代表团的LCIE
# * 德国 德意志工业协会
# * 希腊 NQIS /希腊标准化组织
# * 匈牙利 德国莱茵TÜV国际认证有限公司
# * 印度 印度标准局
# * 印度尼西亚 巴丹标准国(BSN)
# * 以色列 以色列标准协会
# * 意大利 CEI-Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano
# * 日本 日本工业标准委员会(JISC)
# * 肯尼亚 肯尼亚标准局-KEBS
# * 韩国 韩国技术标准局(KATS)
# * 马来西亚 马来西亚标准局
# * 荷兰 NEC荷兰电工委员会
# * 新西兰 新西兰电工委员会
# * 奈及利亚 尼日利亚标准组织
# * 挪威 Norsk Elektroteknisk Komite(NEK)
# * 巴基斯坦 巴基斯坦标准和质量控制局(PSQCA) - 暂停
# * 波兰 波兰IECEE委员会(Polski Komitet IECEE)
# * 葡萄牙 CERTIF –证书颁发机构(Associaçãopara aCertificação)
# * 俄罗斯联邦 横标
# * 沙特阿拉伯 MB沙特标准,计量和质量组织(SASO)
# * 塞尔维亚 塞尔维亚标准化研究所(ISS)
# * 新加坡 新加坡企业标准局(SSC)
# * 斯洛伐克 斯洛伐克电工委员会
# * 斯洛文尼亚 SIST委托的SIQ
# * 南非 南非国家委员会c / o国际关系部南非标准局
# * 西班牙 联合国环境规划署西班牙标准化研究所
# * 瑞典 瑞典克朗Svensk Elstandard
# * 瑞士 瑞士电
# * 泰国 泰国工业标准协会(TISI)
# * 土耳其 土耳其标准协会(TSE)
# * 乌克兰 IEC乌克兰国家委员会提名的国营企业“ Ukrmetrteststandart” –乌克兰经济发展与贸易部(以下简称为MINECONOMDEVELOPMENT)
# * 阿拉伯联合酋长国 阿联酋标准化与计量局(ESMA)
# * 英国 英国IECEE委员会
# * 美国 美国IECEE国家委员会
# * 越南 越南IEC国家委员会标准,计量和质量局(STAMEQ)

2020年10月10日 (六) 18:14的最新版本


CB Scheme

What is the IECEE CB Scheme? Operated by the IEC System of Conformity Assessment Schemes for Electrotechical Equipment and Components (IECEE), the IECEE CB Scheme is an international system for mutual acceptance of test reports and certificates dealing with the safety of electrical and electronic components, equipment and products.

Why is CB important

Safety: manufacturers/suppliers must ensure that their products comply with relevant safety standards, while government regulations are generally intended to protect populations from potential risks associated with products.

Quality: buyers/wholesalers want to ensure the quality of products purchased and unhindered market access. Interoperability: product manufacturers and end users want to be sure their products work and can interact with other products, services and installations.

Consistency: manufacturers/suppliers want to be sure their marketed products comply with the sample assessed.

CB Scheme Categories

Below list is CB Scheme Categories of International Electrotechnical Commission, All certification categories covered by IEC. So, This means that only the following product categories can be used in the CB Scheme.

Acronym Description
BATT Batteries
CABL Cables and Cords
CAP Capacitors as components
CONT Switches for appliances and automatic controls for electrical household appliances
CYBR Cyber Security
E3 Energy Efficiency
ELVH Electrical Vehicle
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
HOUS Household and similar equipment
INDA Industrial Automation
INST Installation accessories and connection devices
ITAV Information Technology Audio Video
LITE Lighting
MEAS Measurement, Control and Laboratory equipment
MED Electrical equipment for medical use
MISC Miscellaneous
OFF IT and office equipment
POW Low voltage, high power switching equipment
PROT Installation protective equipment
PV Photovoltaics
SAFE Safety transformers and similar equipment
TOOL Portable tools
TRON Electronics, entertainment

Refer to IEC Official website


CB Member Bodies

A total of 54 members of the CB Scheme

  2. Australia Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand (JAS-ANZ)
  3. Austria OVE
  4. Bahrain Bahrain Standards & Metrology
  5. Belarus BELLIS JSC
  6. Belgium CEB-BEC, BE NC for IEC
  7. Brazil COBEI - Comite Brasileiro de Electricidade, Electronica, Iluminaçao e Telecomunicaçoes
  8. Bulgaria Bulgarian Institute for Standardization (BDS)
  9. Canada CNC/IECEE
  11. China CNCA
  12. Colombia ICONTEC
  14. Czech Republic EZU
  15. Côte d'Ivoire IEC National Committee of Côte D'Ivoire
  16. Denmark Danish Standards
  17. Finland SGS FIMKO Ltd
  18. France LCIE by delegation from the IEC NATIONAL COMMITTEE of FRANCE
  19. Germany Deutsches Komitee der IEC
  20. Greece NQIS/Hellenic Organization for Standardization
  21. Hungary TÜV Rheinland InterCert Kft., Division MEEI
  22. India Bureau of Indian Standards
  23. Indonesia Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN)
  24. Israel Standards Institution of Israel
  25. Italy CEI - Comitato Elettrotecnico Italiano
  26. Japan Japan Industrial Standards Committee (JISC)
  27. Kenya Kenya Bureau of Standards - KEBS
  28. Korea, Republic of Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS)
  29. Malaysia Department of Standards Malaysia
  30. Mexico IEC National Committee of Mexico SECRETARIA DE ECONOMIA - DIRECCION GENERAL DE NORMAS Comité Electrotécnico Mexicano
  31. Netherlands NEC Netherlands Electrotechnical Committee
  32. New Zealand NZ Electrotechnical Committee
  33. Nigeria Standards Organisation of Nigeria
  34. Norway Norsk Elektroteknisk Komite (NEK)
  35. Pakistan Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) - SUSPENDED
  36. Poland Polish IECEE Committee (Polski Komitet IECEE)
  37. Portugal CERTIF – Associação para a Certificação
  38. Russian Federation ROSSTANDARD
  39. Saudi Arabia MB Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO)
  40. Serbia Institute for Standardization of Serbia (ISS)
  41. Singapore Singapore Standards Council, Enterprise Singapore (SSC)
  42. Slovakia Slovak Electrotechnical Committee
  43. Slovenia SIQ by delegation from SIST
  44. South Africa South African National Committee c/o International Relations Department South African Bureau of Standards
  45. Spain Asociación Española de Normalización, UNE
  46. Sweden SEK Svensk Elstandard
  47. Switzerland Electrosuisse
  48. Thailand Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI)
  49. Turkey Turkish Standards Institute (TSE)
  50. Ukraine State Enterprise “Ukrmetrteststandart” by nomination of the Ukrainian National Committee of the IEC – the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine (hereinafter MINECONOMDEVELOPMENT of Ukraine)
  51. United Arab Emirates Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology (ESMA)
  52. United Kingdom UK Committee for IECEE
  53. United States of America US National Committee of the IECEE
  54. Viet Nam IEC National Committee of Vietnam, Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality (STAMEQ)